
Absurd Laws- Journal #2

Do you remember those cigarette like candies that we love to eat when we were younger? Well, there is a law in Puerto Rico that prohibits the sale of these candies to the underaged, at 100 feet from a school or near a daycare center. Like this law there are lots that are ignored or unknown, presented in the book “Los delitos especiales de Puerto Rico” written by Abelardo Bermúdez.  For example, do you know you could be declared “estorbo hípico”. If you go to the Hippodrome and make some scandal. Their comission could accuse you and you could not be able to enter any Hippodrome or it dependencies.  

How many times did you have to bury a dead pet?  Well, it is a crime if your pet was sick, it doesn’t matter if it was a little fish or a cow, you have to cremate it or bury with quicklime! Also, if you like to fish at our rivers or artificial reservoirs know that you can’t fish more than 10 fish!  I bet that you didn’t knew that…

Anyway, the most contradictory law that I read was the one about the United States flag.  In the United States if you want to destroy, cut, burn, write, or desecrate the flag, you are protected by the free speech law. But if you want to do the same in Puerto Rico you should know that it is illegal and you could pay $100 or 30 days of reclusion or maybe both!!! How contradictory is this?!  Is their flag and they can do wathever they want with it, but we can’t even use insulting words against it!

Here is an article about this crazy and obsolete laws: http://www.primerahora.com/noticia/otras_panorama/noticias/las_10_leyes_mas_absurdas/224226

2 Responses to “Absurd Laws- Journal #2”

  1. September 2, 2009 at 11:15 pm

    Hey good stuff…keep up the good work! 🙂

  2. 2 GabyWaby
    October 12, 2009 at 2:39 am

    That’s really cool info!!
    I find the whole animal burial thing uber exaggerated and most people don’t know about it! I can just imagine a cop arresting a family for burying their dead fish on the ground.

    Oh! And another funny thing: I saw those cigarettes being sold at las fiestas patronales de Aguada! (don’t tell anyone but I bought a box!)

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September 2009